Friday, October 19, 2007

Let Freedom Ring!

It would seem that freedom is lurking for Grandpa/Dad/Bob!

If his recovery continues to go as it has this week, we are looking at a release from rehab NEXT week! We are not sure of an exact date, but the rehab center staff have been quite impressed with Grandpa's progress and feel that he is at a place where he could continue to progress at home.

Isn't it amazing! To think of where we were almost two months ago! We are thrilled with this news.

He would have a home health nurse to help him out on a daily basis at home, and the family who are all pitching in to help out.

Kaye is headed up there this weekend for a few days. Grandma & Grandpa are then really excited because former 'Elder Walker', Jeff (Gene's son), is heading into town to keep them company. Then former 'Sister Mort', Ann (Patti's daughter), will come up for a week or two.

This means that there will be help for both Grandma & Grandpa!

More to come in the next few days!

(Please note: I am trying to update this as best I can with the information I get. If I miss something PLEASE let me know so that I can get it up! I would hate to leave out a visit, a piece of information, or a fun story! Thanks, Shelly)

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